The Nil crocodile
The specie in the crocodile farm is the Nil crocodile, also nicknamed the river terror. It is one of the two biggest species in the world. They can be 7m long with a weight of one tonne. The crocodile was one of the first animals to walk on Earth; more than 200 million years ago. It is nowadays the biggest and longest reptile in the world.

The crocodile has to regulate its body temperature thanks to the air temperature. During the summer, it gets warm in the sun and grows cooler in the water. Each season it uses its environment, land and marine to regulate its body temperature. Here, the crocodile is yawning.

The Nil crocodile lives in a group without real difficulties. Adult, about 12 years, it will go away from its group and try to find a new territory.

On earth, the crocodile is capable of crawling, walking but also jumping. It can be very fast but only on a small distance and duration. Its paws are perfectly adapted to the aquatic and land areas. The front paws have 5 clawed fingers and behind 4 palmed fingers.

The crocodile lazes about all day long in the sun and often with an open mouth; it is a way for the crocodile to cool and to warm up its body. Its mouth is covered with blood vessels allowing the cold or hot blood to reach the entire body.